Hi Crush,
It's a Friday, we don't have school. I wonder what you're doing, what you're thinking, what you drinking. I wonder if you're with someone else right now.
You see, my head is fucked up.
I always think about you. Yep, every second of everyday.
I can't help but think if you search for my name on the internet like how I do to yours. It's pathetic, I know. But can you tell me how to stop being so damn mesmerized with the way you look?
I don't look forward to any suspensions of classes. You see, that would mean I wouldn't be able to see you. It's so weird, I never felt this way before. Given the fact that this is still a crush.
It's so hard to expect. You know what I mean? Those stares are just stares. I wonder if we can be more than that? It's just, everything's a blur.
But I hope, for at least a split second you'd be mine. Because right now, right at this moment...
You are the most perfect creature I've ever seen in my entire life.