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MAINEGASM: read and i don't freakin care. it's my blog, and no one should care. concerned, there's a tagboard there. alright. Quotes: get 500 million friends and in the end they'll be your enemies.
life is
Sunday, April 17, 2011, 9:55 PM
"I don't know where to start." I told myself right at this moment while staring at the empty box on this page. We all know the sad news that went on and on through text, micro-blogging and etc. A sudden death of a very young man with an age of 18.

With this, we are now certain that life is indeed short.

Stephenian Voice and its issues regarding responsibilities
Friday, April 15, 2011, 11:54 PM
I'm part of the school's paper. It has been my dream since I was in my first year to be part of it. That's why when they're looking for new staffers to fill in those who had just graduated, I immediately approached the adviser about it. I did consider to be writing for the features section, but then I changed my mind since I don't wanna babble about things again. I'm not new with doing layouts or something, but that's where I put myself into. At first, I was so excited since there's no one to fill in for the "editor" slot. I was so happy that finally I'm getting into something that people thought is not cool. I was then called to the staffers meeting. I was so happy because our team consists of the people I see everyday, which means my classmates. But then my heart got broken for something that I thought I had but didn't.

I was not the editor because I lacked experience. It's my first and last year for crying out loud. I couldn't understand the fact that I was the "only" layout artist present that meeting, then I'm not going to fill the editor's place. I was so down after that. I kept telling myself that there must be a reason why, I told myself at least I'll have more time with my school works and other things.

After some time, my co-staff came and approached me one day at school. He told me that I'm already an editor, there will be two editors. One of them is me. I was so happy about it that I couldn't stop feeling so dominant the rest of that day.

The first few months of our so called working days are completely nothing for us. I'm not allowing myself to write articles, just so you know, and my co-head doesn't want too. I'm mocking all other staffers, they're rushing big time.

Then there came hell month for me. I actually thought that I'll die. Then I realized I wasn't the "only" head. My co-head was suppose to be the sole head. So I called her for help. I was happy for her dedication to this. We agreed that we will both make our own layouts and see what further improvements we can do about it afterwards. I constantly check if she's doing it or not, I was so busy with my school works too. And she's sort of this happy go lucky junior who does things but not as much as I do.

One day, our adviser asked her if she's doing okay with our layout. She said that she cant do it since I haven't given her the articles yet. When I heard that I was so damn mad at her. We were texting, she said she's doing fine, and she's doing it the traditional way. And then there it goes, SHE CAN'T DO IT BECAUSE I DIDN'T GIVE HER INSTRUCTIONS?!

I'm bad ass when I get angry. The digital layout I've done in my laptop has been deleted for this reason. My graduation came without finishing the layout. It's a big thing for me. I've graduated already but haven't finished yet my sole contribution for the paper.

Yesterday, our adviser called that I should really finish the paper and I should meet her already. And so I did, I have done it for 7hours, slept at 5:00 in the morning next day. I said to myself, if I wouldn't do it who will? At least I know I did my job. As for my associate, well?

Thank God, for I have finished my unfinished business. I've done it, now there's more to college. The LaSallian, watch out for me.

Front Page and Second page of our Stephenian Voice. 
Which I'm gladly telling the world that I have finished it!

the game plan
Saturday, April 9, 2011, 4:55 PM
So yeah, I decided not to push through with my 7 day-cooking challenge. I noticed that my arms are growing a bit, and I don't wanna risk my body just for the sake of cooking. Anyway, today I felt sorta productive. My mom, my sister and I along with Tine's mother, Tita Helen, went to the dentist. I had fun there because the dentist is very kind, hospitable and all. And oh yeah, she's the dean of CEU's dentistry.

I felt really awesome afterwards. I wanna have retainers just so you know, because I think if you have those you'll be extra beautiful! But then the dentist told me that I don't need them, I have daw beautiful teeth structure, and I don't need to have retainers for that. /I blushed!/ Here's a picture!

I know I look ugly, and FAT!

Anyway, for another challenge this week, I've decided to take 14 days diet plan. Yipee! I'm now going to the grocery to buy my cereals and fruit and etc. :) mwahs!

Friday, April 8, 2011, 8:08 PM
Okay, if you guys think I'm being a pig. Well say hello, I'm a pig. Not the kind of pig who eats every minute pig but the fact that I eat twice as much as the amount of serving I'm eating. Well I guess I have to blame it with my 7 days cooking challenge. So if you ask what we did today, well it's Canned Corned Beef Omelet.

The ingredients are: 6 eggs, 1/4 cup milk, pepper, 2 onions, 1/2 cup cheese shredded and 2 tbsp butter. Tita Gem helped this time since we got our onion toasted, lol @ that, Sherwin wants to scramble the eggs again and again and he was happy for me to have put the milk with it. My sister also helped, but she's a pain in the ass :)) lols! It tasted good can't wait for my daddy to taste it!

For my next challenge, well it's going to be my diet days plus artsy fartsy side of mine. Hope it works!

Thursday, April 7, 2011, 11:17 PM
I thought I wouldn't make it to my 7 day cooking challenge. Phew! Good thing I did with the help of Sherwin, of course. Today I made Cheese Potato Wedges, yes that's what we called it.

So here's what we used: 1 Potato because that's what we have left, marinated it with salt, pepper and hot water solution for taste and of course for the potato to be crunchy and not get the darker side of frying, fried it with non-fat butter because I'm on a diet, and to have that cheezy filling I microwaved it with cubes of cheese and cheese spread.

I'm glad Sherwin helped me, if he ain't there I wouldn't have that food check and stuff. Erika came btw, she tasted it and I told her that the potatoes look inedible, she said it tastes good. hee! Sherwin asked me to cook scrambled eggs, he did the "scrambling" and the "salting," Erika and I thought he put too much salt but it was okay!

My daddy wasn't able to taste it anymore, but then we had Sushi for dinner, yieep! I just love Salmon Sashimi! :)

till then.

, 11:05 PM
I thought I wouldn't make it to my 7 day cooking challenge. Phew! Good thing I did with the help of Sherwin, of course. Today I made Cheese Potato Wedges, yes that's what we called it.

So here's what we used: 1 Potato because that's what we have left, marinated it with salt, pepper and hot water solution for taste and of course for the potato to be crunchy and not get the darker side of frying, fry it with non-fat butter because I'm on a diet, and to have that cheezy filling I microwaved it with cubes of cheese and cheese spread.

I'm glad Sherwin helped me, if he ain't there I wouldn't have that food check and stuff. Erika came btw, she tasted it and I told her that the potatoes look inedible, she said it tastes good. hee! Sherwin asked me to cook scrambled eggs, he did the "scrambling" and the "salting," Erika and I thought he put too much salt but it was okay!

My daddy wasn't able to taste it anymore, but then we had Sushi for dinner, yieep! I just love Salmon Sashimi! :)

till then.

Something else?
Wednesday, April 6, 2011, 6:45 PM
I told you guys that I shall be making something different today. Well, I actually did. Due to my extreme craving for egg salad, I made one.

The ingredients I used are the following: 2 eggs, 2 1/2 tbsp of mayo, 1 tsp of pickles, salt, pepper, and sugar. The eggs are supposed to be hard boiled but then I'm uber excited about what I'm making it turned out to be premature. So I have to fry it just to have than yellowish accent and edible feel. Then I combined all the ingredients in a bowl. After that I put them in the fridge for about 10 mins.

My daddy said it tastes good, my mommy didn't taste it. Boo! Anyway, it inspired me to create something different tomorrow of course now with Sherwin. Hee!

blogger monster
Tuesday, April 5, 2011, 9:54 PM
After watching Julie and Julia, it suddenly encouraged me to make another blog of something that I love doing. Well, if you have seen the movie, it's all about the love for cooking. But of course the one I'm making is all about my love for photography, film, and the streets. I don't exactly know how to combine these things into one, but perhaps trying wouldn't do any harm.

And so I'm going to do Project 52 weeks and probably A-Z.

52 weeks - If you guys think that Project 365 is such a hassle then I suggest 52 weeks is for you. In this project, you are tasked to take a picture that would summarize your week.

A-Z - This will take 26 days if I'm going to use the English Alphabet. Haha! I'm still thinking of doing this, anyways. 

So here it goes. I'm really planning to put up my name through blogging. Hope I can do it :)

A list. (UPDATED)
Sunday, April 3, 2011, 12:03 AM
Okay, so I'm having trouble controlling my expenses. That is why I'm going to make a list of the things that I want. *I know I did this before, but hey it did help me!*

So here it goes..

1. A Teacup Yorkie! - The other day, I actually was looking for a free adoption of these cute little creatures. I was fortunate to have found one. And the owner replied! I'm actually waiting for another reply on how are we gonna ship these. I'm shouldering the shipping payments, but hey it's for adoption! 

2. Pink Boatshoes from AsianVogue.multiply.com - Few Sundays ago, I was having shoe shopping at a department store, I saw something similar to this. I wanted to purchase it but the problem is it's not in my desired color, which is pink. I actually wanted a Sebago too (heyShara!), but my wallet's gonna say bad stuff to me once I bought those. And then tonight I dropped by to their page and actually saw these chic boatshoes! 

3. Maroon Wedges and Beige Pumps from VNC Shoes - I went to MOA last Sunday with my friends and we went inside VNC's boutique. I'm a wedge collector, I'm actually going to put up another blog about my wedges! And I fell in love with the maroon ones. I super love it! I'll check it out tomorrow if it's on sale then I guess I'mma have to take it. 
(Actually it comes with Beige, I just saw it a while ago at MOA's big sale.)

4. Peacock Feather Logo Sweatshirt from GAP - Okay, a while ago I went to MOA's big sale. I thought these biggie brands do sales too, but unfortunately they don't. Then I saw this sweatshirt, and suddenly I thought of how cool can that be if I wore that in school. I just hope I'll get that before schools starts this May. Fingers crossed.

5. Any bags that I can use for college. I know I have a bunch, but having a new bag is something else.
6. Hunger Games Trilogy - I've been dying to have these books since like forever. So if anyone trying to sell theirs, c'mon! I'm gonna buy it! 

These are what I have in mind so far. I was fortunate to have a Linkgraphix watch from my beau and a sling bag which has no name but super aww from my mom. I so so wanted these two, but I guess I don't have to put it here. I'll add more things if ever. 

I wasn't fortunate to have the Splash style which caught my eye since the day we checked them out. But I got the Melt design (Right side). BTW, it's a grad gift from him :") And oh, the Splash Style is my number 7 hahaha!

Alright, so I updated the list. 

Saturday, April 2, 2011, 4:58 PM
My sister's being a bitch today. I bet that's because of the wrong people she's with for the past few days. I don't wanna tell their names here but I think you know them. Just check my sister's FB profile and you'll see all her activities. To be honest, I wanted to slap her just to tell her that she should wake up and face the reality that wrong crowd leads to nothing. I've been in her shoes before, and I certainly don't wanna get down to that level ever again. 

I entered high school with people I know I'm gonna treasure for the rest of my life. I don't wanna brag but, look at us. We don't just receive awards but we've got everything. From a prom queen down to a university scholar, plus all of us are entering prestige schools. I'm telling you, dear reader. Choosing friends is important because they are gonna be the one who'll cheer you up. 

As of the people who already made this mistake, it's never too late. Search for one now. You'll be great, I'm certain of that.